Rising Phenomenon: A Comprehensive Guide to RTC, The Blockchain's Dark Horse

2024-2-27 09:41| 作者:洞悉财经| 查看:11884| 评论:0|
摘要:Following a period of consolidation, the blockchain market has soared to unprecedented heights, with Bitcoin's price surpassing the $50,000 milestone, catalyzing a broad market rally. Meanwhile, vario ...

Following a period of consolidation, the blockchain market has soared to unprecedented heights, with Bitcoin's price surpassing the $50,000 milestone, catalyzing a broad market rally. Meanwhile, various innovative sectors are gradually gaining momentum, thawing and warming up across multiple tracks, heralding a new bull market in the early spring after the year's start.

In the midst of market volatility, the performance of many emerging projects has been particularly eye-catching. Among them, the investment DAO, RTC DAO, has seen its value increase more than twentyfold in just one month, making it one of the most noteworthy projects of the first quarter. This article will explain RTC DAO from multiple dimensions and elaborate on why RTC was able to return to its peak after its initial launch and create new miracles.


Project Introduction

RTC DAO is a Web3 ecosystem focused investment DAO initiated by the Alpha Blockchain Foundation in collaboration with various leading institutions and communities. The community token, RTC, was launched on the BNB Chain, inspired by the iconic Chinese cultural figure Run Tu. Embodying the valiant spirit of youth, Run Tu's image is beloved by many. Centered around the iconic Chinese cultural figure Run Tu, RTC combines Chinese culture with blockchain technology to empower cultural innovation and digital assets. It further consolidates on-chain value and consensus, achieving diversified ecosystem investments.


Key Timeline Highlights

1)RTC DAO launched in early December 2023, immediately captivating a vast community and user base with its unique philosophy.

2)On December 7th, the platform's token, RTC, went live with an opening price of 6U and surged to around 130U on the same day, becoming a hotly recommended cryptocurrency across major trading platforms.

3)By December 17th, the price of RTC gradually declined to about 40U.

4)In January 2024, RTC regained its momentum, with its price soaring from 40U to a peak of 355U.

5)In February 2024, RTC officially announced the launch of the L7 Farms and Syrup Pools, introducing seven major earning products centered around RTC. The announcement led to another surge in RTC's price, breaking through 800U at its peak. Within less than a month, it achieved up to a 20-fold increase in value, establishing itself as one of the biggest dark horses in the investment sector since the beginning of 2024.


RTC Project and Its Surge Logic Explained

(1) Strong Background, Professional Operation

RTC DAO, organized and issued in collaboration with the Alpha Blockchain Foundation, global communities, and Web3 enthusiasts, has its headquarters in Dubai. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing Web3 technology development while promoting traditional culture. Through the RTC project, the Alpha Blockchain Foundation and various communities aim to leverage the power of Web3 to actively engage in innovation and investment in the digital era, thereby promoting the healthy development of Chinese culture. With this backdrop, RTC DAO will undertake extensive cooperation to drive the growth of the cultural industry, blockchain ecosystem, and various high-quality projects, infusing Web3 technology innovation with more cultural depth and social value.

(2)Broad Investment, Diverse Earning

RTC DAO has officially launched seven major earning products, including farms and syrup pools, which facilitate widespread application and value reciprocation of RTC from various dimensions. Through five farm products, RTC holders can opt to continue producing RTC, leveraging their earnings potential; alternatively, they can diversify their earnings by purchasing other products for multiple token output. Additionally, the tokens generated can be re-staked in syrup pools to further enhance earning potential, achieving a compounding effect.


The collaboration with the L7 platform has led to dual growth in both volume and value for RTC, most visibly reflected in the significant price increase following the launch of farms and syrup pools. Beyond the effective implementation of several earning products, official sources indicate that in 2024, RTC DAO will continue to engage in discussions and collaborations with dozens of projects. By participating in both online and offline formats, it aims to discover more high-quality projects and embark on diverse collaborations, including investments and joint projects.

Beyond conventional investments and collaborations, leveraging blockchain's decentralized and highly transparent nature, RTC DAO will also establish a Chinese Culture Research Fund. This fund will support the development of industries and projects related to Chinese culture, promoting cultural heritage and innovation. In the future, an investment ecosystem centered around cultural creation and innovation will bring cultural nourishment and value derivation to more users.


(3)Global Community, Global Outreach

Through effective operations and product rollouts, RTC DAO has established communities and nodes in over a hundred countries and regions worldwide, reaching over a million users and amassing tens of thousands of genuine community members. It stands as the first investment platform centered around Chinese culture, truly uniting people through cultural solidarity, fostering development through investment, and connecting individuals through community engagement. It has achieved comprehensive ecosystem development from multiple projects, platforms, and perspectives.

Since its inception, RTC has garnered widespread attention and favor from within and outside the industry, featuring on hot lists of leading platforms such as AVE.ai and DEXtools. It has also consistently received media coverage and promotion from major outlets including Jinse Finance, Cointime, Chain Catcher, and MyToken.

Ultimate Deflation, Rapid Appreciation

Based on blockchain data, the total supply of RTC is only 70,000 tokens. With the current price at 700U per token, the total market capitalization is just 50 million, indicating significant room for growth. According to official data, RTC has already completed its first buyback and burn event and plans to continue this action in the future, further rewarding users and boosting the token price.

Furthermore, as more partnerships and earning products are progressively rolled out, a large amount of RTC will continue to be used for staking and mining, thereby increasing RTC's scarcity and driving up its price. On the other hand, in future developments, the RTC token will not only be used for governance and staking but will also become a key asset in cooperation with major ecosystems. This will integrate the assetization construction of the entire RTC DAO, turning it into a truly widely recognized value token.

Moreover, as seen from Twitter updates, RTC is also advancing the process of listing on centralized exchanges, further optimizing RTC liquidity and expanding trading channels. It can be predicted that, with a series of related actions, RTC is poised for further appreciation.

Outlook and Summary

Overall, the blockchain industry has entered a new development phase due to the rise of AI. Unlike previous capital flows, this round of development will truly focus on technology and innovation, propelling the practical implementation and application of Web3 and across the entire industry. In this process, the industry needs capable and ambitious projects like RTC DAO, which, through continuous collaboration and investment, can effectively contribute to the ecosystem. After a period of development, RTC DAO has begun to show its edge, and we look forward to the surprises this dark horse will bring.

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