TianHuiEX platform expert strategy section contract product interface analysis

2024-1-31 17:35| 作者:洞悉财经| 查看:11876| 评论:0|
摘要:The increasing complexity and high risks of the digital currency market have increased investors' demand for professional investment strategies, and the expert strategy section of the TianHuiEX platfo ...

The increasing complexity and high risks of the digital currency market have increased investors' demand for professional investment strategies, and the expert strategy section of the TianHuiEX platform provides users with a more flexible and efficient investment method through contract products. Below we will deeply analyze the interface of the contract product to help users better understand and utilize expert strategies for digital currency investment.


1. Go short or go long or short

The first key option for contract products is that users can choose to go short, long or short. Going short means that the user believes that the market will fall, going long means that the user is optimistic that the market will rise, and going short means that the user chooses to give up the current operation. This option provides users with greater flexibility, allowing them to make more precise investment decisions based on market trends and personal judgment.

2. Margin/USDT

In the contract product interface, the second element that users need to set is the margin. Margin is a certain proportion of funds that users need to provide when conducting contract transactions to bear potential losses. The setting of this option directly affects the user's risk control and fund management. Choosing an appropriate margin ratio can reduce potential risks while protecting returns.

3. Cycle time/number of days

The cycle time of contract products is the third important parameter that users need to set. Cycle time represents the time period a user chooses to trade a contract, usually measured in days. Users can choose different cycle times based on market expectations and personal plans, making investments more consistent with personal risk preferences and time arrangements.

4. Daily interest %

Daily interest is the fourth element that users need to pay attention to in the contract product interface. This item represents the proportion of interest that users can earn every day in contract transactions. Through in-depth market analysis and operations, the expert team brings daily fixed interest to users amid market fluctuations, increasing the expected returns of users' investments.

5. Total cycle return %

Total cycle income is the fifth key indicator that users need to pay attention to. This item represents the percentage of total profit that the user can obtain at the end of the contract trading period. Reasonably setting the total cycle income is an important factor that users need to consider when formulating investment plans. It is directly related to the user's final investment return.

6. How many times can be purchased in one order?

In contract products, users need to know how much an order can purchase or the number of times it can be operated. This is the key information that users need to master when conducting contract transactions to help users better plan and manage investments.

7. Profit replay

The last element is profit replay ( unit USDT ) , which means that after obtaining profits, users can choose what form of currency the profits will be replayed into. This option gives users more options to choose different currency forms to obtain investment income based on personal needs.

It is worth mentioning that the operation process of spot products in the expert strategy section is consistent with that of contract products. When choosing spot products, users also need to pay attention to the above seven key elements and make reasonable settings based on personal investment needs. This consistent operating process provides users with a simpler and easier-to-understand investment experience. Whether they choose contract products or spot products, users can easily get started.

When selecting contract products, users can accurately set various parameters according to personal preferences and market expectations, enjoy the operation and management of a professional team, and obtain predictable benefits. We hope that every user can find his or her own digital currency investment path through the expert strategies of the TianHuiEX platform and realize the appreciation and preservation of wealth.

上一篇:Detailed explanation of how to play the TianHuiEX platform expert strategy section下一篇:TianHuiEX : Follow the top players , and at least you will win in front
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