
据链闻消息,2020 年 8 月 13 日,知名以太坊 DeFi 项目 YAM 官方通过 Twitter 发文表明发现合约中存在漏洞,24 小时内价格暴跌 99% 。慢雾安全团队在收到情报后快速进行了相关的跟进及分析,以下是详细的技术细节。

以上是 YAM 官方对本次事件的简短说明(来源:https://medium.com/@yamfinance/save-yam-245598d81cec)。
简单来说就是官方在合约中发现负责调整供应量的函数发生了问题,这个问题导致多余的 YAM 代币放进了 YAM 的 reserves 合约中,并且如果不修正这个问题,将会导致 YAM 的后续治理变为不可能。同时,官方给出了此次漏洞的具体问题代码,如下:

从上图可知,由于编码不规范,YAM 合约在调整 totalSupply 的时候,本应将最后的结果除以 BASE 变量,但是在实际开发过程中却忽略了,导致 totoalSupply 计算不正确,比原来的值要大 10^18 倍。但是代币供应量问题和治理是怎么扯上关系呢?这需要我们针对代码做进一步的分析。
YAM 会变成怎样?
为了深入了解此次漏洞造成的影响,需要对 YAM 项目代码进行深入的了解。根据官方给出的问题代码及项目 Github 地址(https://github.com/yam-finance/yam-protocol),可以定位出调整供应量的 rebase 函数位于 YAMDelegator.sol 合约中,具体代码如下:
function rebase(
uint256 epoch,
uint256 indexDelta,
bool positive
returns (uint256)
epoch; indexDelta; positive;
rebase 函数,发现
rebase 函数最终调用了 delegateAndReturn 函数,代码如下:
function delegateAndReturn() private returns (bytes memory) {
(bool success, ) = implementation.delegatecall(msg.data); assembly {
let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40)
returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize)
switch success
case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) }
default { return(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) }
通过分析代码,可以发现 delegateAndReturn 函数最终使用 delegatecall 的方式调用了 implementation 地址中的逻辑,也就是说,这是一个可升级的合约模型。而真正的
rebase 逻辑位于 YAM.sol 中, 继续跟进 rebase 函数的具体逻辑,如下:
function rebase(
uint256 epoch,
uint256 indexDelta,
bool positive
returns (uint256)
if (indexDelta == 0) {
emit Rebase(epoch, yamsScalingFactor, yamsScalingFactor);
return totalSupply;
} uint256 prevYamsScalingFactor = yamsScalingFactor;
if (!positive) {
yamsScalingFactor = yamsScalingFactor.mul(BASE.sub(indexDelta)).div(BASE);
} else {
uint256 newScalingFactor = yamsScalingFactor.mul(BASE.add(indexDelta)).div(BASE);
if (newScalingFactor < _maxScalingFactor()) {
yamsScalingFactor = newScalingFactor;
} else {
yamsScalingFactor = _maxScalingFactor();
//SlowMist// 问题代码
totalSupply = initSupply.mul(yamsScalingFactor);
emit Rebase(epoch, prevYamsScalingFactor, yamsScalingFactor);
return totalSupply;
rebase 函数的逻辑,不难发现代码中根据 yamsScalingFactor 来对 totalSupply 进行调整,由于 yamsScalingFactor 是一个高精度的值,在调整完成后应当除以 BASE 来去除计算过程中的精度,获得正确的值。但是项目方在对 totalSupply 进行调整时,竟忘记了对计算结果进行调整,导致了 totalSupply 意外变大,计算出错误的结果。
分析到这里还没结束,要将漏洞和社区治理关联起来,需要对代码进行进一步的分析。通过观察 rebase 函数的修饰器,不难发现此处限定了只能是 rebaser 进行调用。而 rebaser 是 YAM 中用与实现供应量相关逻辑的合约,也就是说,是 rebaser 合约最终调用了 YAM.sol 合约中的 rebase 函数。通过跟踪相关代码,发现 rebaser 合约中对应供应量调整的逻辑为 rebase 函数,代码如下:
function rebase()
// EOA only
require(msg.sender == tx.origin);
// ensure rebasing at correct time
_inRebaseWindow(); // This comparison also ensures there is no reentrancy.
require(lastRebaseTimestampSec.add(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec) < now);
// Snap the rebase time to the start of this window.
lastRebaseTimestampSec = now.sub(
epoch = epoch.add(1);
// get twap from uniswap v2;
uint256 exchangeRate = getTWAP();
// calculates % change to supply
(uint256 offPegPerc, bool positive) = computeOffPegPerc(exchangeRate);
uint256 indexDelta = offPegPerc;
// Apply the Dampening factor.
indexDelta = indexDelta.div(rebaseLag);
YAMTokenInterface yam = YAMTokenInterface(yamAddress);
if (positive) {
require(yam.yamsScalingFactor().mul(uint256(10**18).add(indexDelta)).div(10**18) < yam.maxScalingFactor(), "new scaling factor will be too big");
//SlowMist// 取当前 YAM 代币的供应量
uint256 currSupply = yam.totalSupply();
uint256 mintAmount;
// reduce indexDelta to account for minting
//SlowMist// 计算要调整的供应量
if (positive) {
uint256 mintPerc = indexDelta.mul(rebaseMintPerc).div(10**18);
indexDelta = indexDelta.sub(mintPerc);
mintAmount = currSupply.mul(mintPerc).div(10**18);
// rebase
//SlowMist// 调用 YAM 的rebase 逻辑
uint256 supplyAfterRebase = yam.rebase(epoch, indexDelta, positive);
assert(yam.yamsScalingFactor() <= yam.maxScalingFactor());
// perform actions after rebase
//SlowMist// 进入调整逻辑
afterRebase(mintAmount, offPegPerc);
通过分析代码,可以发现函数在进行了一系列的检查后,首先获取了当前 YAM 的供应量,计算此次的铸币数量,然后再调用 YAM.sol 中的
rebase 函数对 totalSupply 进行调整,也就是说 rebase 过后的对 totalSupply 的影响要在下一次调用 rebaser 合约的
rebase 函数才会生效。最后
rebase 函数调用了 afterRebase 函数。我们继续跟进 afterRebase 函数中的代码:
function afterRebase(
uint256 mintAmount,
uint256 offPegPerc
// update uniswap
//SlowMist// 通过 uniswap 购买 yCRV 代币
if (mintAmount > 0) {
// call any extra functions
//SlowMist// 社区管理调用
for (uint i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
Transaction storage t = transactions[i];
if (t.enabled) {
bool result =
externalCall(t.destination, t.data);
if (!result) {
emit TransactionFailed(t.destination, i, t.data);
revert("Transaction Failed");
通过分析发现, afterRebase 函数主要的逻辑在 buyReserveAndTransfer 函数中,此函数用于将增发出来的代币的一部分用于到 Uniswap 中购买 yCRV 代币。跟踪 buyReserveAndTransfer 函数,代码如下:
function buyReserveAndTransfer(
uint256 mintAmount,
uint256 offPegPerc
UniswapPair pair = UniswapPair(uniswap_pair); YAMTokenInterface yam = YAMTokenInterface(yamAddress);
// get reserves
(uint256 token0Reserves, uint256 token1Reserves, ) = pair.getReserves();
// check if protocol has excess yam in the reserve
uint256 excess = yam.balanceOf(reservesContract);
//SlowMist// 计算用于 Uniswap 中兑换的 YAM 数量
uint256 tokens_to_max_slippage = uniswapMaxSlippage(token0Reserves, token1Reserves, offPegPerc);
UniVars memory uniVars = UniVars({
yamsToUni: tokens_to_max_slippage, // how many yams uniswap needs
amountFromReserves: excess, // how much of yamsToUni comes from reserves
mintToReserves: 0 // how much yams protocol mints to reserves
// tries to sell all mint + excess
// falls back to selling some of mint and all of excess
// if all else fails, sells portion of excess
// upon pair.swap, `uniswapV2Call` is called by the uniswap pair contract
if (isToken0) {
if (tokens_to_max_slippage > mintAmount.add(excess)) {
// we already have performed a safemath check on mintAmount+excess
// so we dont need to continue using it in this code path
// can handle selling all of reserves and mint
uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(mintAmount + excess, token0Reserves, token1Reserves);
uniVars.yamsToUni = mintAmount + excess;
uniVars.amountFromReserves = excess;
// call swap using entire mint amount and excess; mint 0 to reserves
pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars));
} else {
if (tokens_to_max_slippage > excess) {
// uniswap can handle entire reserves
uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token0Reserves, token1Reserves);
// swap up to slippage limit, taking entire yam reserves, and minting part of total
//SlowMist// 将多余代币铸给 reserves 合约
uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount.sub((tokens_to_max_slippage - excess));
//SlowMist// Uniswap代币交换
pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars));
} else {
// uniswap cant handle all of excess
uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token0Reserves, token1Reserves);
uniVars.amountFromReserves = tokens_to_max_slippage;
uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount;
// swap up to slippage limit, taking excess - remainingExcess from reserves, and minting full amount
// to reserves
pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars));
} else {
if (tokens_to_max_slippage > mintAmount.add(excess)) {
// can handle all of reserves and mint
uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(mintAmount + excess, token1Reserves, token0Reserves);
uniVars.yamsToUni = mintAmount + excess;
uniVars.amountFromReserves = excess;
// call swap using entire mint amount and excess; mint 0 to reserves
pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars));
} else {
if (tokens_to_max_slippage > excess) {
// uniswap can handle entire reserves
uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token1Reserves, token0Reserves);
// swap up to slippage limit, taking entire yam reserves, and minting part of total
//SlowMist// 增发的多余的代币给 reserves 合约
uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount.sub( (tokens_to_max_slippage - excess));
// swap up to slippage limit, taking entire yam reserves, and minting part of total
//Slowist// 在 uniswap 中进行兑换,并最终调用 rebase 合约的 uniswapV2Call 函数
pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars));
} else {
// uniswap cant handle all of excess
uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token1Reserves, token0Reserves);
uniVars.amountFromReserves = tokens_to_max_slippage;
uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount;
// swap up to slippage limit, taking excess - remainingExcess from reserves, and minting full amount
// to reserves
pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars));
通过对代码分析,buyReserveAndTransfer 首先会计算在 Uniswap 中用于兑换 yCRV 的 YAM 的数量,如果该数量少于 YAM 的铸币数量,则会将多余的增发的 YAM 币给 reserves 合约,这一步是通过 Uniswap 合约调用
rebase 合约的 uniswapV2Call 函数实现的,具体的代码如下:
function uniswapV2Call(
address sender,
uint256 amount0,
uint256 amount1,
bytes memory data
// enforce that it is coming from uniswap
require(msg.sender == uniswap_pair, "bad msg.sender");
// enforce that this contract called uniswap
require(sender == address(this), "bad origin");
(UniVars memory uniVars) = abi.decode(data, (UniVars)); YAMTokenInterface yam = YAMTokenInterface(yamAddress);
if (uniVars.amountFromReserves > 0) {
// transfer from reserves and mint to uniswap
yam.transferFrom(reservesContract, uniswap_pair, uniVars.amountFromReserves);
if (uniVars.amountFromReserves < uniVars.yamsToUni) { // if the amount from reserves > yamsToUni, we have fully paid for the yCRV tokens
// thus this number would be 0 so no need to mint
yam.mint(uniswap_pair, uniVars.yamsToUni.sub(uniVars.amountFromReserves));
} else {
// mint to uniswap
yam.mint(uniswap_pair, uniVars.yamsToUni);
// mint unsold to mintAmount
//SlowMist// 将多余的 YAM 代币分发给 reserves 合约
if (uniVars.mintToReserves > 0) {
yam.mint(reservesContract, uniVars.mintToReserves);
// transfer reserve token to reserves
if (isToken0) {
SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(reserveToken), reservesContract, amount1);
emit TreasuryIncreased(amount1, uniVars.yamsToUni, uniVars.amountFromReserves, uniVars.mintToReserves);
} else {
SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(reserveToken), reservesContract, amount0);
emit TreasuryIncreased(amount0, uniVars.yamsToUni, uniVars.amountFromReserves, uniVars.mintToReserves);
rebase 流程就完成了,你可能看得很懵,我们用简单的流程图简化下:

也就是说,每次的 rebase,如果有多余的 YAM 代币,这些代币将会流到 reserves 合约中,那这和社区治理的关系是什么呢?
通过分析项目代码,发现治理相关的逻辑在 YAMGovernorAlpha.sol 中,其中发起提案的函数为 propose,具体代码如下:
function propose(
address[] memory targets,
uint[] memory values,
string[] memory signatures,
bytes[] memory calldatas,
string memory description
returns (uint256)
{ //SlowMist// 校验提案发起者的票数占比
require(yam.getPriorVotes(msg.sender, sub256(block.number, 1)) > proposalThreshold(), "GovernorAlpha::propose: proposer votes below proposal threshold");
require(targets.length == values.length && targets.length == signatures.length && targets.length == calldatas.length, "GovernorAlpha::propose: proposal function information arity mismatch");
require(targets.length != 0, "GovernorAlpha::propose: must provide actions");
require(targets.length <= proposalMaxOperations(), "GovernorAlpha::propose: too many actions"); uint256 latestProposalId = latestProposalIds[msg.sender];
if (latestProposalId != 0) {
ProposalState proposersLatestProposalState = state(latestProposalId);
require(proposersLatestProposalState != ProposalState.Active, "GovernorAlpha::propose: one live proposal per proposer, found an already active proposal");
require(proposersLatestProposalState != ProposalState.Pending, "GovernorAlpha::propose: one live proposal per proposer, found an already pending proposal");
uint256 startBlock = add256(block.number, votingDelay());
uint256 endBlock = add256(startBlock, votingPeriod());
Proposal memory newProposal = Proposal({
id: proposalCount,
proposer: msg.sender,
eta: 0,
targets: targets,
values: values,
signatures: signatures,
calldatas: calldatas,
startBlock: startBlock,
endBlock: endBlock,
forVotes: 0,
againstVotes: 0,
canceled: false,
executed: false
proposals[newProposal.id] = newProposal;
latestProposalIds[newProposal.proposer] = newProposal.id;
emit ProposalCreated(
return newProposal.id;
通过分析代码,可以发现在发起提案时,需要提案发起人拥有一定额度的票权利,这个值必须大于 proposalThreshold 计算得来的值,具体代码如下:
function proposalThreshold() public view returns (uint256) {
return SafeMath.div(yam.initSupply(), 100); } // 1% of YAM
也就是说提案发起人的票权必须大于 initSupply 的 1% 才能发起提案。那 initSupply 受什么影响呢?答案是 YAM 代币的 mint 函数,代码如下:
function mint(address to, uint256 amount)
returns (bool)
_mint(to, amount);
return true;
} function _mint(address to, uint256 amount)
// increase totalSupply
totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount);
// get underlying value
uint256 yamValue = amount.mul(internalDecimals).div(yamsScalingFactor);
// increase initSupply
initSupply = initSupply.add(yamValue);
// make sure the mint didnt push maxScalingFactor too low
require(yamsScalingFactor <= _maxScalingFactor(), "max scaling factor too low");
// add balance
_yamBalances[to] = _yamBalances[to].add(yamValue);
// add delegates to the minter
_moveDelegates(address(0), _delegates[to], yamValue);
emit Mint(to, amount);
从代码可知,mint 函数在每次铸币时都会更新 initSupply 的值,而这个值是根据 amount 的值来计算的,也就是铸币的数量。
现在,我们已经分析完所有的流程了,剩下的就是把所有的分析串起来,看看这次的漏洞对 YAM 产生了什么影响,对上文的流程图做拓展,变成下面这样:

整个事件的分析如上图,由于 rebase 的时候取的是上一次的 totalSupply 的值,所以计算错误的 totalSupply 的值并不会立即通过 mint 作用到 initSupply 上,所以在下一次rebase 前,社区仍有机会挽回这个错误,减少损失。但是一旦下一次 rebase 执行,整个失误将会变得无法挽回。
通过查询 Etherscan 上 YAM 代币合约的相关信息,可以看到 totalSupply 已经到了一个非常大的值,而 initSupply 还未受到影响。

这次事件中官方已经给出了具体的修复方案,这里不再赘述。这次的事件充分暴露了未经审计 DeFi 合约中隐藏的巨大风险,虽然 YAM 开发者已经在 Github 中表明 YAM 合约的很多代码是参考了经过充分审计的 DeFi 项目如 Compound、Ampleforth、Synthetix 及 YEarn/YFI,但是仍无可避免地发生了意料之外的风险。
DeFi 项目 Yam Finance(YAM) 核心开发者 belmore 在推特上表示:“对不起,大家。我失败了。谢谢你们今天的大力支持。我太难过了。”,但是覆水已经难收,在此,慢雾安全团队给出如下建议:
1、由于 DeFi 合约的高度复杂性,任何 DeFi 项目都需在经过专业的安全团队充分审计后再进行上线,降低合约发生意外的风险 。审计可联系慢雾安全团队(team@slowmist.com)